Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuning Your Body in Line with Nature

Understanding the natural working of living beings is the key to leading a healthy and happy life. No matter how complex it appears to the ignorant the knowledgeable always finds life easy. i.e. he understands the working of the universal energy on the human mind and body. The knowledgeable always ensures that he and others surrounding him are in harmony with each other. The language learnt by him to keep him in harmony and communicate with nature is only love. Let me introduce the concept of Universal Life Force Energy that helps us tune ourselves in line with nature.

Universal Life Force Energy

Everything in this Universe is Energy. Energy exists in two forms – Subtle, that cannot be seen by the naked eye and other the Gross, the manifested form which is identifiable by all the five senses of the physical body.

Coordination of Subtle with the Gross

Physical body, the gross form of energy is nourished by the subtle throughout its life time to keep it healthy both mentally and physically. The subtle energy comprising of nine bodies surrounds the physical body. The first such energy body is called Etheric Body. Etheric Body should be kept in proper balance to ensure healthy physical body. Physical body depends on a balanced Etheric body to keep itself in healthy existence.

Tuning in line with Nature

Nature has gifted us this healthy physical form during birth. At birth subtle form of energy is originally gifted to majority of us in perfectly balanced state thus ensuring a sustained healthy physical body. Thus our physical body is tuned with nature through the subtle energy which is nature’s gift. Now, why do we fall ill and develop dis-ease. It’s only because we are out of tune with nature. If our Subtle Energy surrounding your physical is not in balance we are then out of tune with nature. An imbalance in the Main Etheric Body which is closest to the physical body causes problems in our physical body. Bringing back the balance in this etheric body is what “tuning your physical body in line with nature” is all about.

Understanding Mind-Body relation to learn Tuning

Quality of our life depends on the type of our thoughts we generate and carry. Every thought process is a form of energy which affects the Etheric body’s energy state to in turn affect the physical body. To ensure that depletion of energy in the Etheric Body does not take place is we need to regulate the quality of thoughts which should always be positive. Thus learning the new software of thought process to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy is what the new learning is all about.

Prepare yourselves to now learn to enrich your life !

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